Calendars are useful pieces that are frequently used in offices and houses. Among different Calendar types, a wall hanging Calendar is a special type of calendar, which is very much in demand. There can be no better marketing tool than a company branded calendar. It is the best way to spread the awareness about your brand over a 12-month period.

A Wall Hanging Calendar can be distributed to clients and they will see your brand’s name on each page, this can have a significant brand awareness impact on them. Here, we will have a look at the step by step process to make your Wall Hanging Calendar. You can then us these Calendars to market your brand to your prospective clients.

A list of things that you will need to make yourself a Wall Hanging Calendar:

  • Wire Calendar hanger
  • Half-moon punch – Renz TC 20
  • Already Printed Calendar-Pages
  • Wire -snips
  • ¼” 3:1 double-loop wire
  • Wire Binding Machine (Double loop) – Renz SRW 360

The step by step process to make your Hanging Calendar is as follows:

  1. First collect your calendar pages–each month of the year to be used while making the Calendar.
  2.  Mark the centre of the binding edge, this will help to punch accurately. Punch the thumb cut centrally across the centre mark on each page with your Renz TC 20 half-moon punch. Punch the rear and front covers, too.
  3. Disengage the three middle punching pins on your Renz SRW 360 binding machine
  4. Now put the binding edge of your calendar into the punching slot on your Renz SRW 360 machine and punching the holes, like any other document. 
  5. Place the calendar wire in your Renz SRW 360’s wire holder as per the user guide and load your punched calendar onto the wire.
  6. Place a calendar hanger over the place where you punched the thumb cut in step 2 in the centre of your calendar. 
  7. Close the wire using the closer on your Renz SRW 360 binding machine ensuring that the hanger is enclosed inside the wire too. 
  8. Take your wire snips and cut the three wire loops out of the thumb cut at the centre of the calendar. 
  9. That’s it, your Wall Hanging Calendar is ready to hang.

These are the complete steps to create your Wall Hanging Calendar. You can create a beautiful and professional calendar with just a few easy steps for your favourite customers, staff or perhaps your family and friends. Stand back now and admire your work.

To have more professional hanging calendar you can use wires and calendar hangers from Renz. This will give a stronger and more professional, stylish look to your Hanging Calendar.